Savings Level Determinants and Sustainability of Commercial Banks in Rwanda: A Case of I&M Bank Rwanda
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of savings level determinant on sustainability in I&M Rwanda. The specific objectives were to establish the effect of interest rate, income level and access to credit on the sustainability of I&M Bank. This study implemented a descriptive research design and utilized coefficient of correlation to assess the effect of each specific objective on the sustainability of the Bank. The population comprised of 12,057 including 12,050 customers and 7 staff of finance department of I&M Bank Rwanda. A sample size of 99 was calculated using Yamane (1967) simplified formula. To accomplish this aim, both primary and secondary data are used. The researcher used simple random and purposive sampling techniques. A questionnaire and interview have used to collect data. Quantitative data was obtained using questionnaire while a financial statement of I&M Bank covering 2016-2020 was used as secondary data. Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis showing mean, standard deviation, correlation and regression was used statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26.0 to analyze statistical information while content analysis used to analyze qualitative information. The findings and recommendations for this study addressed to the I & M Bank Rwanda, for decision-making and policies. The study found that interest rates, income level and access to credit have significant positive effect on sustainability of commercial banks in Rwanda at 78%, 90.5% and 92.9% respectively. The relationship among saving level determinants and sustainability of business bank was also determined to be linear with increase in get admission to credit score by means of clients. The researcher concluded that saving degree and get admission to credit volatility had more effect on sustainability of banks. The study endorsed that guideline to be installed vicinity to boom financial institution lending and ensure monitoring the same.
Keywords: Savings Level Determinant, Sustainability, Commercial Banks, I&M Bank, Rwanda
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