User Challenges and Performance of Mobile Banking: The Case of Selected Commercial Banks in Nairobi County, Kenya


  • Irene Kanini The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


The study examined user challenges and performance of mobile banking: case of selected commercial banks in Nairobi County. The study sought to establish” how technology improvement, user-security improvements, user risk prevention, and user sensitization enhances M-banking among commercial banks. A descriptive survey research design was adopted in collecting data from the respondents of all the eleven commercial banks. A representative sample of 4 staff members per bank were then picked and questionnaires administered. Pearson’s correlation of significance level of 0.05 “revealed a positive association (r = 0.158) between technology and performance. There “was a positive correlation (r = 0.361) between security and performance of mobile banking. The study found a positive correlation (r = 0.113) between risk prevention and performance of mobile banking. Pearson’s correlation indicated “a positive correlation (r = 0.255) between customer awareness and performance of mobile banking. The regression analysis also found that increase in all the variables led to increase in performance. The study recommends that, fraud checks should be aligned to the risk of specific actions by customers, and should necessarily” be subject to customer credentials and identity authentication, integrity and secrecy and to the equipment stored on the equipment. Further, banks should implement measures to make training staff more competitive, invest in research and technology development. Because the number of people with mobile phone handsets is on the rise, the study recommends that the banks should continue making use of mobile phones in providing and improving services.

Key Word: Technology Improvement, User-Security Improvements, User Risk Prevention, M-banking, and User Sensitization, Performance.

Author Biography

Irene Kanini, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

MBA Student, School of Business, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Kenya


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How to Cite

Kanini, I. (2021). User Challenges and Performance of Mobile Banking: The Case of Selected Commercial Banks in Nairobi County, Kenya. Journal of Finance and Accounting, 5(3), 22–40. Retrieved from


