Effect of Early Childhood Education on Socio-Economic Transformation of Communities in Rwanda


  • Mukamana Claudete Mount Kenya University
  • Mukamazimpaka Marie Claire Adventist University of Central Africa




The effective provision of basic education in Rwanda increases the competition level among graduates which promotionally improves the socio-economic transformation of communities. The purpose of this study therefore was to establish the effect of early childhood education on socio-economic transformation of communities in Nyamasheke district in Rwanda. The target population was 368 respondents that provided the sample size of 192 got using Yamane formula. Interview guide and questionnaire were used as data collection instruments. Correlation research design was also employed. The study findings revealed there is 31% of accessibility of ECE able to affect the level of socio-economic transformation of communities as indicated by the R square = .310 and the remaining 69% of socio-economic transformation of communities can be affected by other factors. However, it was found that, there is a statistically significant moderate relationship between accessibility ECE and socio-economic transformation of communities (P=.000 and r = .555). The study recommended the ministry of education which represents the government in the sector of Education should provide the adequate infrastructures of ECE schools in Nyamasheke district to improve and make easy accessibility of ECE in the area thus also increase the literacy level. The non-governmental organizations should invest more in ECE of Nyamasheke district in order to develop youth who are competent and able to compete at the labour market.

Keywords: Early Childhood Education, Socio-economic transformation, Communities

Author Biographies

Mukamana Claudete, Mount Kenya University

Post graduate student, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda

Mukamazimpaka Marie Claire, Adventist University of Central Africa

Lecturer, Adventist University of Central Africa, Rwanda


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How to Cite

Claudete, M., & Claire, M. M. (2022). Effect of Early Childhood Education on Socio-Economic Transformation of Communities in Rwanda. Journal of Education, 5(1), 11–27. https://doi.org/10.53819/81018102t5041




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