The Role of School Executive Committee Activities on the School Management in Public Secondary School in Rwanda
The executive committee in the school setting enhances management and improves the school's activity. The purpose of this paper, therefore, was to find out the contribution of school executive committee activities on school management in public secondary schools of Nyarugenge District. The study was explanatory using quantitative and qualitative approaches where data was obtained by the use of questionnaires, interviews and documentation to gain the required information. The sample size was 104 respondents. The findings revealed that there is still the issue of students dropping out. The school attendance is very neglected by the manager and supervisor, resulting in poor time management. The repetition rate is seen in public secondary schools of Nyarugenge District as it was agreed by the majority of respondents 54(51.9%). The analysis revealed that the calculated x^2at 0.05 is 57.641 which is greater than the table value and the p-value (0.003) is less than the significant level of 0.05. This shows the correlation between the school executive committee and school management. The study recommends that the government and school principals should involve the school executive committee in the contribution of school management. MINEDUC and District should regularly supervise and make follow-ups on school management. They should also take clear measures for better school management.
Keywords: School management, School Committee, School’s Executive Committee, Public Secondary School, Rwanda
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