Role of Credit Access Program on the Performance of Women Owned MSES Incubated at KIRDI
Women owned Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) are a source of employment and wealth creation in most of the world economies and Kenya not an exemption. However, the survival rate of the women owned MSEs is minimal. The main objective of the study was to evaluate the role of credit access program on the performance of women owned MSEs which have been incubated at KIRDI. The study was a survey study design. The target population was 259 MSE women entrepreneurs who have graduated from KIRDI business incubation programs. The researcher did a census since it was appropriate for this study and used questionnaires to collect qualitative and quantitative data. The study analyzed data using descriptive and inferential statistics through Correlation and regression of variables. Results were reported through tables and figures. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to aid analysis of data. Data was analyzed and presented using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings revealed a positive and significant relationship between credit access program and performance of women owned MSEs incubated by KIRDI (β=0.348, p=0.000). The study concluded that business incubation support programs simplified into incubator training and development, business development services, credit access program and technology absorption positively and significantly influenced the performance of women owned MSEs incubated at KIRDI in Nairobi. The study recommends that the government should consider looking towards setting a single window to manage business incubators all over the country and to coordinate the activities of all institutions and companies that are in the process of incubating new businesses.
Keywords: Credit access, Women owned MSEs, Business performance, Business incubation, KIRDI
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