The Effect of Stakeholder Involvement on Performance of Bomet County Government, Kenya
Stakeholder involvement has remained a critical consideration in organizations determined to improve performance. However, public organizations continue to experience unending problems in ensuring perfect stakeholder involvement. Since the Kenyan government introduced county governments, there has been a persistent struggle for performance that exhibits consistency with citizens’ needs. This study aimed to determine the effect of stakeholder involvement in the performance of Bomet County Government, Kenya. The study was anchored on the stakeholder involvement theory. A primary research methodology, which involved collection and analysis data from a population of Bomet County Government employees. A census was adopted because the study intended to involve all the 384 participants of the county government. Data collected was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), which facilitated data coding and generating descriptive and inferential statistics. The study presented evidence that stakeholder involvement has a significant effect in the performance of the County Government of Bomet. The study results were used to recommend that the County Government should provide more opportunities for stakeholder involve to improve and sustain the performance.
Keywords: Stakeholder Involvement, County Government, Performance, Bomet.
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