Gender Considerations and Entrepreneurship Development in Fujairah, United Arab Emirates
Entrepreneurship development refers to the process of creating an environment that fosters entrepreneurship and supports the growth and success of entrepreneurial ventures. It plays a critical role in driving economic growth and job creation, as well as promoting innovation and competitiveness In the UAE, women make up only a small percentage of entrepreneurs, with the majority of businesses owned and operated by men. Gender considerations in entrepreneurship development requires promoting women's leadership and representation in the business community. It was found that UAE Gender Balance Council was set up with the aim of promoting gender balance across all sectors of society, and the Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak Women's Entrepreneurship Initiative, which provides financial and non-financial support to women entrepreneurs. There are also several private sector initiatives aimed at supporting women's entrepreneurship in the UAE, including the Dubai Business Women Council, which provides business training and support to women entrepreneurs, and the Women's Angel Investor Network, which provides funding and mentorship to women-led businesses. Promoting gender diversity and inclusion in business can have a positive impact on the wider economy, by promoting innovation and growth. In conclusion, it is important to address the challenges that women entrepreneurs face in balancing their entrepreneurial activities with their family responsibilities. Beauracracy in accessing mentorship and networking opportunities, accessing technology and digital resources, accessing information and resources related to entrepreneurship and in accessing business incubators and accelerators. The study recommended that the government should encourage more women to participate in entrepreneurship by promoting female role models and highlighting the successes of women entrepreneurs in the UAE. Develop mentorship and networking programs that are specifically tailored to the needs of women entrepreneurs. Provide opportunities for women entrepreneurs to connect with international networks and markets. Increase the representation of women on boards and in senior leadership positions in businesses and organizations. This can help to create a more inclusive and diverse business environment in the UAE. Encourage the development of women-led and women-owned businesses in the UAE.
Keywords: Gender Considerations, Entrepreneurship Development, United Arab Emirates
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