Stakeholders’ Engagement and Sustainability of Educational Projects: A Case of Teacher Development Through School-Based Mentorship Project in Ngoma District, Rwanda
Stakeholders are key to project sustainability. This study aims to assess the influence of stakeholders’ engagement on the sustainability of educational projects in Rwanda, a case of teacher development through school-based mentorship for quality results for children implemented by Inspire, Educate, and Empower Rwanda between 2016 – 2017. The specific objective of the study was to assess the influence of stakeholder engagement in project planning and sustainability of teacher development through school-based mentorship project in Ngoma district, examine the influence of stakeholder engagement in project implementation and sustainability of teacher development through school-based mentorship project in Ngoma district, and, to determine the influence of stakeholders’ engagement in project monitoring and evaluation and sustainability of teacher development through school-based mentorship project in Ngoma district. This study employed a correlation research design whereby the target population is 217 people, in which a sample of 145 respondents was calculated using the granular formula of sample size calculation. Questionnaires and interviews were used as data collection instruments. The findings indicated that about 64.8% of the respondents strongly agreed that involving stakeholders to set project activities influence the sustainability of educational projects, and respondents agreed with the statement at a mean of 4.61 and a standard deviation of 0.638. About considering stakeholders’ feedback on the sustainability of educational projects concerning teacher development school-based mentorship. The findings showed that 56.6% strongly agreed with the statement. On the linkage between involving school leaders in project implementation and the sustainability of educational projects, the findings revealed that respondents agreed with the statement at a mean of 4.34 and a standard deviation of 0. 775. Based on the interpretation of collected and analyzed data, the study concluded that there is a highly positive relationship between stakeholders’ engagement and the sustainability of educational projects in Rwanda due to their combination contributing 69.8% to the sustainability of educational projects.
Keywords: Stakeholders’ Engagement, Sustainability, Educational Projects, Teacher Development, School-Based Mentorship Project
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