Enhancing Project Management through Exploratory Factor Analysis of Safety Performance in Dubai's Construction Industry
The construction industry in Dubai, known for its rapid growth and towering skyscrapers, has faced significant challenges ensuring the safety of its workforce. The purpose of this study was to enhance project management practices through an exploratory factor analysis of safety performance within this sector. This research aimed to identify the underlying factors that contribute to safety outcomes and to provide a data-driven foundation for improving safety measures. Addressing the problem of frequent construction accidents and the high rate of safety incidents, this study hypothesized that a multifaceted approach to safety analysis would reveal complex interdependencies affecting worker safety. The methodology involved a comprehensive review of incident reports and safety records from various construction projects in Dubai over the past five years, coupled with surveys and interviews with industry professionals. The data underwent exploratory factor analysis to ascertain the primary variables impacting safety performance. Findings indicated that key factors affecting safety included worker training, communication efficacy, adherence to safety protocols, and the use of protective equipment. Surprisingly, statistical analysis revealed that projects with high safety investments did not always correlate with lower incident rates, suggesting the importance of qualitative factors over mere financial commitment. The study concludes that enhancing safety performance in Dubai’s construction industry requires a holistic approach that goes beyond financial investment in safety. Recommendations include implementing regular, targeted training programs, improving on-site communication channels, strict enforcement of safety protocols, and fostering a safety-centric organizational culture. In light of these conclusions, the study advocates for policy revisions at the regulatory level and a shift in the industry’s safety paradigm. The recommended strategic changes aim to not only mitigate the risks inherent in the construction industry but also to enhance the overall management of construction projects in the dynamic landscape of Dubai.
Keywords. Project Management, Exploratory Factor Analysis, Safety Performance, Construction Industry, Dubai
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