Risk Management Practices, Project Implementation and Performance of Jua-Kali Empowerment Programmes in Nairobi, Kenya
There is limited empirical literature supporting the interaction of risk management practices and the relationship between project implementation and performance of empowerment programmes. This theoretical limitation cannot just be ignored in the context of entrepreneurs` empowerment programmes due to their immense contribution to the National Gross Product (NGP) and national wellbeing. The purpose of this research was to examine the influence of risk management practices on the relationship between project implementation and performance of Jua-kali Empowerment Programmes (JEP) in Nairobi County, Kenya. The target population was 327 enterprises having benefitted from the JEP in Nairobi County Kenya. A sample of 181 entrepreneurs chosen using Krejcie and Morgan sample determination table. Both simple random sampling and purposive sampling techniques were used to select samples. The reliability of the questionnaire was tested using Cronbach Alpha Coefficient of reliability at 0.7. Pearson`s Correlation Coefficient (r) was used in correlational analysis and regression analysis was used in predicting the research model. The results showed that at P=0.000<0.05, r= 0.575, R2= 0.331 for F (1,145) = 4.632 depicting 1.4% change in performance of the programmes after introduction of risk management practices. It demonstrates that strength of the relationship between project implementation and performance of JEP depends on risk management practices. It was concluded that there is significance interaction between project implementation and risk management practices that moderates the effect of the project implementation on the performance of JEP. Hence Governments, implementors and supporters of entrepreneurs` empowerment programmes should strive to implement need-based project interventions while ensuring adequate risk mitigation measures in order to thwart adverse uncertainties and events that may derail sustainable delivery of results.
Keywords: Risk management practices, project implementation, performance of Jua-kali empowerment programmes
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