Innovation: The Lead to Changes in Organizations


  • Ogochi K. Deborah Pan Africa Christian University


In the 21st century, all organizations are talking about change and innovation. This is the only way to manage organizations, allow them to grow and maintain their competitive advantage in order to remain live in their operational space. For innovation to impact change successfully to enable organizations maintain their competitive advantage, there is need to change rules of the innovation game (Martins & Terblanche, 2003). The organizations ought to move from closed innovation principles where the organization believes that they have the smartest people and they can do everything without any external help to the open innovation principle that embraces external boost in the process of innovation (Hosking & Anderson, 2018). Slade and Bauen (2009) further note that the intense global technological development and competition have led to innovation becoming a source of competitive advantage for organizations that cherish it.

Keywords: Innovation & Changes in Organizations.

Author Biography

Ogochi K. Deborah, Pan Africa Christian University

PhD Candidate, Pan Africa Christian University


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How to Cite

Deborah, O. K. (2018). Innovation: The Lead to Changes in Organizations. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 2(6), 1–12. Retrieved from


