The Impact of Human Resource Planning on Organizational Performance; A Case of Manufacturing Firms in Austria
The study sought to examine the effect of human resource planning on organizational performance in Austria in the case of manufacturing firms. The research study was a literature-based review. The study results indicated that human resource planning enables businesses to meet their current and future demands for talent, allowing human resource managers to anticipate and develop the skills most valuable to an organization and providing the enterprise with the optimal balance of staff in terms of available skill-sets and numbers of personnel. Human resource planning is inclusive of adequate funding, competence, age and cultural background. The study found that when the human resource preparation is poor, it will end up hiring unqualified personnel who will result in inefficiency to the company. The study concluded that human resource planning is positively related to performance. The study concluded that human resource planning is key in determining performance. To hire and choose a suitable labor force there is the requirement to know the particular tasks and what the tasks require and also it is important to have a proper method of rewarding those staff members who are performing well to promote their retention. Employees need to be maintained to make sure the company has a reliable workforce for a longer period which is trustworthy within the organization's properties. The study recommended that a company need to have a correct method of maintaining, rewarding and filling in positions of the retired staff. The study further recommended the need of the companies to put aside adequate finances to hire competent employees when needed. The study also recommended that human resource planning should establish interventions, innovations as well as campaigns to allow the company to fulfill its needs. In addition, the human resources supervisors need to have positive functioning relationships with the staff members to ensure they deliver according to the organization's goals. Furthermore, the study recommended that both the internal and external elements should be much taken into considerations for the organization to be competitive in the market.
Keywords: Human Resource planning, performance, manufacturing firms, Austria
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