Supply Chain Management Practices and Performance of Public Institutions in Rwanda: A Case of Rwanda Biomedical Center
The purpose of this research was to assess the role of supply chain management practices in the performance of the public institution in Rwanda the case of Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC) The study specifically looked at the role of Strategic supplier partnership, customer relationship and information sharing on organization performance of RBC. The study was important to RBC, public institutions in Rwanda and other private institutions. To elaborate on the role of supply chain management practices in the performance of the public institution in the related literature, the researcher was guided by the study objectives. The study was guided by the theory of constraints and information sharing theory. The research design was used as descriptive while the population is 450 employees of Rwanda Biomedical Center and the sample size was 82 respondents. Purposive and simple random sample procedures were used for data collection. The researcher obtained primary data using a questionnaire and analyzed it using qualitative and quantitative methods. Descriptive studies were used to examine the data, and inferences were drawn from the data using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential data analysis, with tables, charts, and percentage studies showing that they all had a substantial impact on Rwanda Biomedical Centre's performance. For instance, strategic supplier partnership (0.305, p < 0.05); customer relationship (0.482, p < 0.5) and information sharing (0.183, p < 0.05) were all significantly affecting the performance of Rwanda Biomedical Centre. The study further found that there was a variation of 66.5% in the Customer Relationship, information sharing, and strategic supplier partnership at a 95% confidence interval. This shows that 66.5% changes in the performance of the public institutions in Rwanda. According to the findings, Rwanda Biomedical Centre/effectiveness RBC is aided by smart supplier partnerships, customer relationships, and information exchange. Managers are advised to increase the organization's performance by cultivating supplier relationships. Managers must also build a clear channel of communication and collaboration between suppliers and customers to be effective.
Keywords: Supply Chain Management Practices, Performance of Public Institutions, Rwanda Biomedical Center, Rwanda
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