Influence of Equity on Policy Implementation in Kenya
Equity, policy implementation, Kenya.Abstract
This study sought to influence of equity on policy implementation in Kenya. The thesis of this study was to confirm whether or not the gap between policy and practice is the governance gap. Prior studies on policy implementation problems have dwelt much more on top-down versus bottom-up approaches and paid little attention on the influence of governance on public policy implementation. A descriptive correlation research design was adopted and the target population comprised 20 ministries, 153 parastatals and government agencies. The study adopted a census technique with respect to the unit of analysis which is the public sector. Questionnaires were used as the main data collection instruments and were pretested using a pilot study for validity and reliability. Descriptive and inferential statistics data analysis results were used to reveal the influence of public participation on policy implementation in the public sector in Kenya. The results indicated that equity influences success public policy implementation in the public sector in Kenya. It was concluded that equity is a major determinants of public policy implementation in public institutions in Kenya.
Keywords: Equity, policy implementation, Kenya.
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