Strategic Plan Implementation Factors and Health Conditions Promotion in Rwanda: A Case of Karongi DDP in Bwishyura Sector
The general objective of this research was to investigate the effect of strategic plan implementation on the living conditions Bwishyura Sector, Karongi District. The specific objectives was to determine effect of strategic leadership on health conditions of Bwishyura population, to establish effect of organizational structure on health conditions of Bwishyura population, and to determine effect of human resources on health conditions of Bwishyura population. The study was target 33,065 population of Bwishyura sector in which a sample size of 396 respondents determined using Slovin’s formula selected using probability and non-probability sampling methods. In this regards, in probability sampling methods, the study employed simple random sampling technique to choose project beneficiaries; and procurement officers using purposive sampling technique. The research instrument to collect data was questionnaire and interview. Using statistical product and service solution used to generate descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (correlation and regression analysis) for statistical data. The Pearson correlation obtained was estimated to 0.571 indicating a positive index and a positive correlation linking the two variables. The “sig.value” indicating that the value is less than 0.05 (Note that the SPSS output always indicate a value less than 0.005 as 0.000). The p value was 0.000 (2-tailed). All of these assumption of the respondents from the population of Bwishyura sector in Karongi district were helped the research to conclude that the strategic plan implemented were contributed positively to the health condition of the population of Bwishyura sector. Therefore, we recommend other further studies to be done and concentrate on two areas: Future studies should work on the contribution of local government in improving global economy and also to find out how the influence of population increase and poor technology contribute to the delay in services and customer management in other sectors in Karongi district.
Keywords: Knowledge, practice, first aid delivery, commercial motor cycle riders
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