Influence of Parental Involvement as a Discipline Management Strategy on the Academic Achievement of Students in Siaya County
This study aimed to investigate the influence of parental involvement as a discipline management strategy on the academic achievement of students in Siaya County, Kenya. The study utilized social learning theory. A convergent parallel mixed-methods design was adopted. The study targeted public secondary schools and involved principals, teachers and students. The data collection tools were questionnaires for students and teachers and an interview guide for principals. Systematic sampling was used to select 24 out of the 243 schools. Simple random sampling was used to select 240 out of 2,412 teachers and 393 out of approximately 24,000 students. All principals from the selected schools were included in the study. The study used SPSS to analyze quantitative data, which was presented in percentages. Data from the interviews were analyzed thematically and presented in narratives and direct quotations. The findings revealed that when principals involve parents in the discipline management of students there is a significant impact on student academic achievement. However, the study concluded that this discipline management strategy is not currently well employed and needs improvement to enhance the performance of learners. The study recommended that the government, through the Ministry of Education, should offer training and workshops for principals, teachers, and other school staff, on the effectiveness of engaging parents in their children's education. This training should prioritize enhancing communication skills, fostering cultural sensitivity, and investigating methods to actively involve parents in decision-making processes. These measures will help in establishing an environment conducive to learning, ultimately enhancing students’ academic performance.
Key words: Influence, parental involvement, discipline, discipline management strategy, academic achievement
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