Effect of Strategic Management Practices on Organisational Performance of Proj Telecoms Ltd in Rwanda
Proj Telecom Ltd is a company dedicated to offering Mobile Network Operators cutting-edge equipment and full project services, delivering all facets of infrastructure in the UK and Africa. In Rwanda, it employs 100 people. Through timely project completion, Proj Telecoms Ltd has worked to increase both customer satisfaction and staff retention over the years. All of these represent Proj Telecoms Ltd's efforts to take a competitive advantage by strategically positioning themselves in the market. The study's goal was to determine how strategic management practices affected organizational performance telecom companies in Rwanda's, case of Proj Telecoms Ltd. The following specific goals served as the foundation for this study: To assess the effect of strategic leadership on organizational performance; To analyze the relationship between strategic planning and organizational performance; To examine the effect of strategic intent on organizational performance in Proj Telecoms Ltd. The research design for the study was both qualitative and quantitative. The whole management and staff of Proj Telecoms Ltd. make up the target population. Both purposive sampling and Simple random sample methods were used in this study. The entire pool of 105 responses made up the study's sample size. Through the use of a structured questionnaire, primary data was gathered. Measurements of both descriptive and inferential statistics were produced through analysis. The researcher used sample mean, sample standard deviation, frequency count, and percentages for descriptive statistics, and multiple linear regression analysis and bivariate correlation analysis in inferential statistics. These descriptive results are supported by the correlation results which proved that strategic leadership has a strong significant and positive relationship on organizational performance of Proj Telecoms Rwanda, Rwanda. The results obtained strategic leadership and customer satisfaction (r= 0.955 and sig=0.000), between strategic leadership and staff turnover (r=0.287 and sig=0.004), at 0.05 level of significance. Descriptive results are supported by the correlation results which proved that strategic planning has a strong significant and positive relationship on organizational performance of Proj Telecoms Rwanda, Rwanda. The results obtained showed strategic planning and customer satisfaction with r= 0.987and sig=0.002, between strategic planning and staff turnover with r=0.771 and sig=0.000, at 0.05 level of significance. These descriptive results supported by the correlation results proved that strategic intent has a strong significant and positive relationship on organizational performance of Proj Telecoms Rwanda, Rwanda. The results obtained showed strategic intent and customer satisfaction with r= 0.979and sig=0.000, between strategic intent and staff turnover with r=0.910 and sig=0.000), at 0.05 level of significance. The study recommends the management of Proj Telecoms Ltd to enhance Strategic Management practices in the sense of strategic leadership, strategic planning and strategic intent to ensure high organizational performance. The researcher suggests that future research focus on the impact of strategic leadership efforts on the performance of public organizations. This may be critical in order for government agencies to meet targets for the nation's economic growth as well as other projects with important strategic national interests.
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